The Greedy Farmer's Son

Long time ago, there lived a poor farmer. He used to work hard on the fields. But, he was not able to get enough money from the farm produce. One day, he found an anthill on his field and found a snake there. The snake ate the ant eggs , hence saving the farmers grains from the ants. He was like a guard to the farmer field produce. The farmer thought of paying back to the snake. Next day, he brought milk for the snake in a bowl and kept it near his burrow.

Next day, he found the bowl empty and a gold coin in it. He thanked the snake for it. Everyday, he brought a bowl of milk and the snake left a gold coin after drinking milk. This way, the poor farmer started getting rich.

One day, he had to go to the town for some work. He asked his son to look after the farm and put a bowl of milk for the snake. The son was greedy and he thought,"This snake burrow must be full of gold coins". He put the bowl of milk for the snake. When the snake was drinking milk, he tried to kill the snake with a stick. The snake collapsed. Then, he looked in the burrow for gold coins but found nothing.  He felt sorry and miserable. Meanwhile, the snake returned to senses. He bit the son leading to the death of farmer's son.

Moral of the Story
Greed is harmful.

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