Two Goose and a Tortoise

 Once upon a time, two goose Mana and Sampa and a tortoise,Chirpu lived near a river. They were good friends. Once, it did not rain the whole year. There was drought in the region. All the water sources like rivers, lakes and ponds went dry. The birds and animals begin  to die of thirst.

The three friends decided to go to another place where there was sufficient water to survive. The goose flied far off places to find a new land and they found a new forest full with flowing rivers.But, there was a problem in shifting to new place, While it was easy for the geese to fly, it was difficult for the tortoise to cover that distance on foot.

So the goose put up an idea. He said, "Bring a strong stick? I will hold the stick in the middle with my teeth and you two hold both the ends of the stick in your beaks. In this manner, I can also travel with you."

The geese , however, cautioned him, "You will have to be very careful. The problem with you is that you are very talkative. And if you open your mouth to say something, while we are flying, you might fall and die.So, don't talk while we are flying otherwise you will lose your hold and go crashing down on the ground and die."

The tortoise understood and promised not to open his mouth during the entire journey. So the geese held the stick ends in their beaks and the tortoise held the stick in the middle with his teeth and thus, they began their long journey.

They flew over hills, valleys, villages, forests. They were passing by a village. When the village people saw the strange sight, they came out of their houses.The children began shouting and clapping. The foolish tortoise forgot that he was hanging. He became so curious to know the reason behind these clapping's that he opened his mouth to ask his friends, the reason for the clapping's. But, as soon as he opened his mouth, he lost his hold on the stick and fell down on the ground and died instantaneously.

His friends very sad and thought that if only their friend could listen to their advice, he would have been alive.

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